AUDI SQLi Labs Lesson 1 walkthrough
Hi,Everyone! This post is about audi sqli labs lesson 1. Audi Sqli labs is a vulnerable web application which is designed for practicing various forms of sqli injection. You can download it from github: and follow this video: for installation. Let's get started with lesson 1. Lesson 1: Let's add ?id=1 in the url. Well, this means that ?id=1 works. Now, let's try to break this query. You can try different values of id such as 10000000, asdwqe,@, ' etc. When you try ?id=1' , you will see an error message. Let's analyse the error. The important part is : ''1'' LIMIT 0,1' Remove the first single quote: '1'' LIMIT 0,1 Remove "LIMIT 0,1" : '1'' This means that our given input is being enclosed in a single quote('). You can fix the query while keeping the value of id as 1' by commenting out the...